What would you like us to call you?
What is your given name and country of origin?
What aspects of your experience as a refugee would you like to touch on in this interview?
Tell us a little about your life here in Rhode Island(do you like it, job, family, community)
Give us a personal description of your culture here in Rhode Island.
How has Higher Ground helped you as an organization?
As an Elder in your community, what aspects of your culture would you like to preserve for future generations?
Do you feel a sense of responsibility to tell the truth of what happened to you for the youth in your culture?
What do you remember about the start of the war in 1989?
Do you think the war had an immediate effect on your life in Liberia?
How long after the war started did you escape to Sierra Leone?
Can you tell us more about how you ended up in Sierra Leone?
What was your life like as a refugee in Sierra Leone?
How were you selected to immigrate to the United States?
What was your experience immigrating to the united states like?
Did you bring anything with you to America from Liberia?
How has American culture affected your view of your own culture?
You’ve been a refugee here in America for quite some time. Do you have any advice for Syrian refugees just now immigrating to the United States?
How do you think your refugee status has affected how you’re treated here in the United States?
What does the word “refuge” mean to you?
Do you have anything else that you’d like to add? Do you have any questions for me?